Defination of Graph:
¤ degree of loop is 2 in undirected graph.
H) weighted graph: graph in which variables assign to edges is now assign specific numbers.
It consist of different points called nodes or vertex which are connected to each other lines called edges.
¤ graph is a set of nodes and vertexes.
¤ graph is denoted by G={ V, E}
where V denotes set of vertexes and E denotes set of edges.
¤ graph is non linear data structure where linked list , array , stack and queue are linear data structure.
¤ graph is widely used for different purposes i.e it has lot of applications.
¤ graph is used when there is a relation ship between pair of data items or elements.
2 types of graph=>
1) directed graph
2) undirected graph
¤ directed graph: graph in which each edge assign a direction.
¤ undirected graph: graph in which there is no direction assign to each edge.
¤Basic definations related to graph.
A) degree of vertex: number of edges incident on that vertex.
Types of degree:
1) indegree of vertex: number of incoming edges in directed graph at that vertex.
2) outdegree of vertex:number of outgoing edges at that vertex.
¤ degree of loop is 2 in undirected graph.
¤ in case of directed graph loop is counted in both indegree and outdegree.
¤ indegree and outdegree of vertex is calculated in directed graph.
B) Path: of length n is sequence of n+1 nodes.
A path is said to be simple if all the nodes are distint with exception that first vertex is equal to last vertex.
C) Tree graph: is a graph without cycle. If a graph has m vertex then it must have m-1 edges.
D) complete graph: is a graph in which from every node we reach to every other all nodes.
If graph has m vertex then it must have half of m(m-1) edges.
E) multigraph : it is graph which consist of multiple edges and loops.
¤ loop is that whose staring and ending point same.
¤between the two nodes if there exist two edges then it is said to be muliple edge.
F) strongly connected graph: is a graph in which every node is reachable from every other node.
G) labeled graph: is a graph in which some variable is assign to edges of the graph.
H) weighted graph: graph in which variables assign to edges is now assign specific numbers.
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